Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On the 12th week of Training...

My Grandma gave to me...yes an inversion table!

Week 9 (12 hrs):

Swim: 5.6 miles
Bike: *40 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 13 miles
Lift 3 days a week/Stretching and Yoga!

Week 10 (11 hrs):

Swim: 4.7 miles
Bike: *40 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 4.5 miles
Lift 3 days a week/Stretching and Yoga!

Week 11 (14 hrs):

Swim: 5.5 miles
Bike: *60 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 3 miles
Lift 3 days a week/Stretching and Yoga!

Week 12 (8.5 hrs) Recover Week:

Swim: 0 miles
Bike: *20 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 8.6 miles
Lift 2 days/Stretching and Yoga 4 times this week!

8 weeks of Coaching

Turkey season is upon us which means Turkey Trot's!

Here's how the last few weeks of training have worked out:

Week 6 (12 hrs):

Swim: 4.4 miles
Bike: *40 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 16 miles
Lift 3 days a week/Stretching and Yoga!

Week 7 (13 hrs):

Swim: 5.3 miles
Bike: *40 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 16.5 miles
Lift 3 days a week/Stretching and Yoga!

Week 8 (10 hrs) Recovery week & FASTEST 5K Ever!:

Swim: 2 miles
Bike: *20 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 7.35 miles
Lift/Stretching and Yoga!

Felt great leading into the race. We had beautiful weather for the annual Parkville Turkey Trot. The course and weather was very favorable to turn in some speedy times and that's what happened. I ended up running a 18:30. I might have went out a little fast (first mile was a 5:11) but it felt great. Leading into mile 2 I started to develop a cramp in my upper chest which I haven't happened before. I definitely fell off pace but very please with the outcome. This is almost a minute faster than last year...I definitely believe the training is working!

5 weeks of coaching & Halloween!

Training has been going great! Here's how week 4 and 5 ended up:

Week 4 (10 hrs):

Swim: 2.6 miles
Bike: *35 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 8.74 miles
Lift/Stretching and Yoga!

Week 5 (13 hrs):

Swim: 5 miles
Bike: *40 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 14.5 miles
Lift/Stretching and Yoga!

Can't do all this training without a little celebrating...Triathlete version of the Wizard of Oz

Sunday, October 30, 2011

3 weeks of coaching....

The last event on the schedule was the Rock N’ Roll Marathon October 23rd. Because this race was thrown into the mix so early into coaching the main focus for the last few weeks has been running. Ben focused on a mini build following a mini tapper leading into St. Louis. We’ve been putting in around 30 miles a week running along with some maintenance in the other disciplines. Here’s the breakdown of mileage over the last few weeks:

Week 1 (13 hrs):

Swim: 1.5 miles
Bike: *20 miles (On a trainer...just a mileage guess)
Run: 32 miles

Week 2 (9.5 hrs):

Swim: 2 Miles
Bike: none
Run: *30 miles (Aqua jogging included)

Week 3 (10.5 hrs):

Swim: 1.8 Miles
Bike: 20 miles
Run: *37 miles (Marathon)

Let the training begin…I now have a Triathlon Coach…Ben Greenfield! 

So who is Ben Greenfield?  Ben is recognized as one of the top fitness, triathlon, nutrition and metabolism experts in the nation.  Check out his website www.bengreenfieldfitness.com.  Not only is he super knowledgeable about how the body works but he is an amazing athlete himself.  And he’s competed in KONA…several times.  

Many people have asked me…What do you expect the experience will be like and what are you trying to get out of coaching.  The goal is simply stated but more difficult to achieve…Qualify for KONA!  Tens of thousands of triathletes share this same dream…but how hard could it really be right?  Here’s the break down.  There are approximately 34 different races offering qualifying slots for this fabled race…I’ve picked 2 (IM Texas & IM Louisville).  Each one of these races offer 50 slots split between 26 age groups (13 Male & 13 Female).  These 50 slots are then distributed across the age groups based on number of entrants.  Typically my age group (30-34) is one of the highly populated age groups.  Last year in Texas there were 138 finishers in this age group, 7 of which qualified for Kona…the ratio is small…only 5%.